
Jesús Jiménez Barbero
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee

Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, the Scientific Committee and the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ), it is a privilege to invite you to participate in the XL Biennial Meeting of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry, which will take place in Bilbao, between June 30 and July 3, 2025.
We are truly convinced that this meeting will be an extraordinary discussion forum to learn about and enjoy the research carried out by our community, both national and international, in all areas of Chemistry. As a Central Science, it is obvious that research on the frontier with other disciplines will also be presented, from mathematics, physics ,and materials science to the life sciences.
The Scientific Committee has chosen the plenary lecturers, who are all top-rank international scientists. Likewise, in cooperation with the Specialized Groups of the RSEQ, it has selected 16 specific symposia, with different degrees of transversality between areas, covering basically all areas of Chemistry. It is evident that research in Chemistry is essential to answer to the key challenges of the 21st century in health, energy, sustainability, food, etc. We are sure that our researchers, both from the public sector (Universities, CSIC, Research Centers) and the private sector, will find scientific presentations of great interest, which will attract their attention and encourage debate.
The local organizing committee, together with the Scientific Committee, has prepared the final program. It is certainly dense, with numerous plenary lectures, keynote lectures, oral and flash communications, as well as poster presentations. A special call for younger researchers. We hope you will enjoy this XL Biennial RSEQ meeting. The cream of our society will be present, in all areas, with a large diversity. Take advantage to know, investigate, ask, increase your knowledge. Don’t hesitate. It’s a great opportunity for you.
Finally, Bilbao is an extraordinary, welcoming city, designed for the comfort of its citizens. The sessions end at a reasonable time so that you can take advantage of the evening. And if you want, enjoy the views, the culture, the gastronomy, and the people of Bilbao. The surroundings are also extraordinary.
Nothing else. We simply hope to meet you in person those days of June and July 2025.
Jesus Jimenez-Barbero
on behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees of the XL Biennial Meeting of the RSEQ
on behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees of the XL Biennial Meeting of the RSEQ