Preliminary Program

Monday, 30th June
08:15-08:30 Opening ceremony

Plenary Lecture 1

Harnessing Non-Classical Carbocations for Stereoselective Synthesis
Ilan Marek. Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

09:15-10:45 Sesión Lilly
10:45-11:15 Posters / Coffee break
  Room Room Room Room Room Room
11:15-13:00 S1. Advances in Synthetic Organic Methodology  S13. New Technologies for the Challenges of the Chemical Industry S12. Molecular Architectures and Material Innovations S10. Didáctica, Historia y Divulgación de la Química S4.Computational Chemical Dynamics
13:00-14:15 Break
14:15-17:15  S1. Advances in Synthetic Organic Methodology S13. New Technologies for the Challenges of the Chemical Industry S12. Molecular Architectures and Material Innovations American Chemical Society: ACS on campus S10. Didáctica, Historia y Divulgación de la Química S4.Computational Chemical Dynamics
17:15-17:45 Posters / Coffee break

Plenary Lecture 2 

Developing Data Science Tools for Synthetic Chemists
Matthew S. Sigman. University of Utah

18:30-19:15 General Assembly
Tuesday, 1st July
08:45-09:30 Plenary Lecture 3

Synthetic Collagen – Chemistry in the Extracellular Matrix
Helma Wennemers. ETH Zürich

09:30-10:15 Plenary Lecture 4

From Supramolecular polymers to functional systems and materials
Bert Meijer. Institute for Complex Molecular Systems 

10:15-10:45 Posters / Coffee break
  Room Room Room Room Room
10:45-12:15  S1. Advances in Synthetic Organic Methodology  S13.  New Technologies for the Challenges of the Chemical Industry  S15. The Chemistry of Emerging Porous Materials S10. Didáctica, Historia y Divulgación de la Química S4.Computational Chemical Dynamics
12:15-12:25 Break
12:25-14:00  S1. Advances in Synthetic Organic Methodology S8.Green Chemistry S15.The Chemistry of Emerging Porous Materials S4.Computational Chemical Dynamics S9. SUPRABIOFUNC
Supramolecular Chemistry: towards a biomimetic and functional future.
14:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:00  S1. Advances in Synthetic Organic Methodology S8.Green Chemistry S15.The Chemistry of Emerging Porous Materials S14. Developing new methodologies in the discovery, characterization, preparation,
function and applications of natural products
Supramolecular Chemistry: towards a biomimetic and functional future.
17:00-17:30 Posters / Coffee break
17:30-19:00  S1. Advances in Synthetic Organic Methodology S8.Green Chemistry S15.The Chemistry of Emerging Porous Materials S14. Developing new methodologies in the discovery, characterization, preparation,
function and applications of natural products
Supramolecular Chemistry: towards a biomimetic and functional future.
Wednesday, 2nd July
08:45-09:30 Plenary Lecture 5

Chemical Probes of Extracellular Glycans
Laura L. Kiessling. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

09:30-10:15 Plenary Lecture 6

New Mechanisms for Old Reactions
Agustí Lledós. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

10:15-10:45 Posters / Coffee break
  Room Room Room Room Room
10:45-12:15  S1. Advances in Synthetic Organic Methodology S11. Chemistry for the Conservation of our Cultural Heritage S14. Developing new methodologies in the discovery, characterization, preparation,
function and applications of natural products
Advanced characterization synchrotron-based tools for energy-relevant materials
Supramolecular Chemistry: towards a biomimetic and functional future.
12:15-12:25 Break
12:25-14:00 S2. OASIS
Organometallic Chemistry for Sustainable Solutions 
S11. Chemistry for the Conservation of our Cultural Heritage S3.  Chemical Biology and Carbohydrates in
 Molecular Recognition
S7. Avances en Materiales Funcionales S5. Sustainable chemistry powered by light and electrons for energy applications in the digital age
14:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:00 S2. OASIS
Organometallic Chemistry for Sustainable Solutions 
S11. Chemistry for the Conservation of our Cultural Heritage S3.  Chemical Biology and Carbohydrates in
 Molecular Recognition
S7.  Advances in Functional Materials S5. Sustainable chemistry powered by light and electrons for energy applications in the digital age
17:00-17:30 Posters / Coffee break
17:30-19:00 S2. OASIS
Organometallic Chemistry for Sustainable Solutions 
S11. Chemistry for the Conservation of our Cultural Heritage S3.  Chemical Biology and Carbohydrates in
 Molecular Recognition
S7.  Advances in Functional Materials S5. Sustainable chemistry powered by light and electrons for energy applications in the digital age
Thursday, 3rd July
08:45-09:30 Plenary Lecture 7

Ni-catalyzed functionalization of sp3 C-H bonds
Rubén Martín. ICIQ – Institut Català d’Investigació Química

09:30-10:15 Plenary Lecture 8

Multi-Modal Wearable Sensor Platforms for Comprehensive Health Monitoring
Joseph Wang. University California San Diego (UCSD)

10:15-10:45 Posters / Coffee break
  Room Room Room Room Room
10:45-13:45 S2. OASIS
Organometallic Chemistry for Sustainable Solutions 
S6.Quo Vadis (Bio)Analytical Chemistry? S3.  Chemical Biology and Carbohydrates in
 Molecular Recognition
S7.  Advances in Functional Materials S5. Sustainable chemistry powered by light and electrons for energy applications in the digital age
13:45-15:15 Break
15:15-16:45 S2. OASIS
Organometallic Chemistry for Sustainable Solutions 
S6.Quo Vadis (Bio)Analytical Chemistry? S3.  Chemical Biology and Carbohydrates in
 Molecular Recognition
S7.  Advances in Functional Materials S5. Sustainable chemistry powered by light and electrons for energy applications in the digital age
16:45-17:15 Clausura